• Cute Haskell Code

    For some recent supervision work on my Security lectures, I was given the task of decoding a string encrypted with a simple shift cipher. This cipher, given a key, simply moves each letter on in the alphabet by an amount given by the key, wrapping at the end. Being a good functional programmer, I decided to implement a brute force solver for this in Haskell, and I’m rather pleased by the terseness of the result, so I felt compelled to share it.

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  • Frustration + Lazyweb = Results

    OK, to follow up on my last post about the quirks of XMLHTTPRequest, fuzzyman very kindly provided most of the solution I needed.

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  • XMLHTTPRequest + Authentication = Frustration

    So I just spent the last 2 hours or so of my life buggering around with Ruby on Rails and trying to get it to do a RESTful login (i.e. one using HTTP Authorization headers, as opposed to the normal cookie stuff). There are some nice articles about pulling this feat off, such as here and here: the basic trick is to use XMLHTTPRequest to force the username/password from form fields into the browers authentication cache.

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  • Bitesize Functional Programming: Active Patterns

    Welcome to the first in what I hope will be an ongoing series of blog posts on research in functional programming. I see a lot of really neat papers come and go that show the great things that are happening in this design space, and I’m hoping to open their discoveries to a slightly wider audience by providing more what I hope are readable descriptions of them for people who don’t have the time to trawl through 20 pages or so. By using examples liberally I hope I can provide an alternative to the sometimes rather dry language of the abstracts. Anyway, that explained we can get on with the show!

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  • Global Hotkeys With .NET

    So, last year while working at Resolver Systems I worked with the author of Movable Python, which is a fairly neat application that lets you carry Python around on a USB stick. As an intellectual exercise I reimplemented the core functions in C# with a slightly less eccentric interface (no offence meant, Michael!), but was suprised to find I had to roll my own code to setup global hotkeys to run scripts, which was a nice feature of Movable I wanted to try and add.

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